Archive | February, 2015

White God (2014)

24 Feb


Kornél Mundruczó’s “White God” is a curious creature. Ostensibly, this is the tale of the fierce bond that binds the teenage Lili (played with impressive maturity by the elfin Zsófia Psotta) and her mongrel mutt Hagen (Luke and Body) together. However, Mundruczó envelops this story in a somewhat suffocating layer of allegorical social commentary that belies a considered intelligence, but ultimately results in a tonally uneven picture. That said, “White God” picked up the prized Un Certain Regard award at Cannes, rightly rewarding Mundruczó for his innovative and ambitious vision, which — while flawed — is at least a fiercely original piece of work.

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Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait (2006)

24 Feb
When you step onto the field, you can hear and feel the presence of the crowd.

When you step onto the field, you can hear and feel the presence of the crowd.

Mulholland Drive (2001)

9 Feb
Hey, pretty girl, time to wake up.

Hey, pretty girl, time to wake up.